A breadboard is essentially the foundation to construct and prototype electronics. A breadboard allows for easy and quick creation of temporary electronic circuits or to carry out experiments with circuit design.
A breadboard is essentially the foundation to construct and prototype electronics. A breadboard allows for easy and quick creation of temporary electronic circuits or to carry out experiments with circuit design.
A Push Button switch is a type of switch which consists of a simple electric mechanism or air switch mechanism to turn something on or off. Depending […]
L298N Dual H Bridge Motor Driver is a motor controller breakout board which is typically used for controlling speed and direction of motors. It can also be […]
A flame detector is a type of sensor that can detect and respond to the presence of a flame. These detectors have the ability to identify smokeless […]
The 65mm Robot Wheel for Smart Robot Car Motor Chassis(Yellow).The wheel is made up of high-quality rubber which gives maximum traction while operating. The wheel is […]
MQ gas sensors are a family of sensors which are used to detect a wide variety of gases like alcohol, smoke, methane, LPG, hydrogen, NH3, Benzene, Propane etc. These […]
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